Course List

Instructor-Led Zoom Courses

2022-2024 CE available Online

Instructor-Led Pre-License EXAM-PREP
Cost: $99
Instructor: Ronald A. Long, Esq., BA, BS, MAT, MBA, JD
This 6 hour course will provide you with tips for preparing for the exam, strategies for taking the exam, test taking skill practices, as well as practice exams.


Agreement of Sale Negotiations – RECE003943
Cost: $45
Instructor: Matthew Mittman
This course will satisfy 3.5 hours PA REC CE credit.
Agents will be able to identify the various stages of negotiations in a real estate transaction. Agents will be able to ask to identify the best types of questions to ask the agent who represents the buyer/seller. Agent will be able to identify the difference between what all parties want in the transaction and what they need in the
transaction. Agents will have the tools to get better price and terms for their clients.

Fair Housing/Risk Management for Real Estate Professionals – RECE004475
Cost: $45
Instructor: Ellen Cassidy, CRS, GRI
This course will satisfy 3.5 hours PA REC CE credit.
This course covers fair housing issues faced by Real Estate Professionals and strategies to reduce the risk of a fair housing complaint. The course will review basic fair housing concepts in addition to the more complex issues that apply to rental and sales transactions. The course will provide examples of regional and national cases to highlight individual fair housing topics.

Fundamentals – CR002717
Cost: $220 – which includes the cost of textbook
Instructor: Marge Wingate. GRI
This 30 hour course is one of the 2 courses (Fundamentals & Practice) required to obtain your real estate license in Pennsylvania.  Classes are held on Monday & Wednesday evenings for 8 sessions; 6:00 PM – 9:45 PM.

General Module – RECE005931
Cost: $70 – two-course combination with Residential Module price – $135.00
Instructor: Marge Wingate, GRI
It will satisfy 7 hours mandatory PA REC CE credit.This course is one of two mandatory CE courses for all new agents renewing their license for the first time.

Practice – CR002718
Cost: $330 – which includes the cost of textbook
Instructor: Ellen Cassidy, CRS, GRI
Beginning in October 2018, this will be a 45 hour course, and is one of the 2 courses (Fundamentals & Practice) required to obtain your real estate license in Pennsylvania. Classes are held on Monday & Wednesday evenings for 12 sessions; 6:00 PM – 9:45 PM.

Professionalism in Real Estate: The Code of Ethics and Its Enforcement (NAR)  RECE002484
Cost: $45
Instructor: Ellen Cassidy, CRS, GRI
This course will satisfy 3.5 hours of PA REC CE credit and it also fulfills the current NAR Ethics requirement. Topics include: History & Background of the Code of Ethics, Ethics & Arbitration Complaints, Mediation, and Procuring Cause.

Residential Contracts (AOS) – RECE004450
Cost: $45
Instructor: Ellen Cassidy, CRS, GRI
This course will satisfy 3.5 hours of PA REC CE credit; Content will focus on the terms and conditions of real estate contracts and what the contract language means to the consumer in terms of liability, fulfillment and risk. The who, when, how and why of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors (PAR) Standard Agreement for the Sale of Real Estate, the Business Relationship Agreement, and the Listing Contract.

Residential Module – RECE005932
Cost: $70 – two-course combination with General Module price – $135.00
Instructor: Ellen Cassidy, CRS, GRI
It will satisfy 7 hours mandatory PA REC CE credit. This course is one of two mandatory CE courses for all new agents renewing their license for the first time.

Risk Management (Broker & CE) – CR004161
Cost: $240
Instructor: Ronald A. Long, Esq., BA, BS, MAT, MBA, JD
This a 15 hour “broker level” course that will satisfy 1 elective PA broker credit and 14 hours PA REC CE credit. This course will also fulfill the 15 hours of PA broker-level instruction required by New Jersey of PA licensees to obtain a NJ Sales License. This course addresses situations that most frequently result in legal liability for real estate professionals and their clients. It will enhance your ability to recognize and deal with issues of legal liability and minimize the risks that adversely affect sale and purchase transactions. Many E &O carriers require their clients to take this class. Must complete all 15 hours to earn any credit for this class.